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Credit Transfer From Other Institutions

Guidelines for transfer of credit units for undergraduate and graduate students who need to transfer from other recognized universities or equivalent institutes of higher learning to IUIU.

Students should have the following requirements;


  1. Must satisfy the admission requirements for the academic programme(s) applied for at IUIU.
  2. Must obtain and submit an official academic transcript(s)/Certificate (s) from a recognized university/institute of higher learning in which he/ she was previously enrolled indicating his / her academic status, the courses offered/ taken, the credit units completed and the grades obtained in each course.
  3. Must have obtained the equivalent of a cumulative grade average of at least 2.0.
  4. Will be permitted to transfer to IUIU credits earned but the maximum of credits should not exceed 60% of the minimum graduation load of the academic programme applied for.
  5. If permitted to transfer, she/he should not be allowed to transfer the equivalent of credit units in a course in which he/she obtained a grade point which was lower than 2.0.
  6. payment of a verification fee


  1. Must satisfy 2.2 (a, b, f)


  1. A student who re-applies and gains admission after being discontinued due to weak academic performance will not be permitted to transfer credits earned from previous academic programmes.
  2. A student who was discontinued or dismissed from other studies because of external irregularities will not be considered for admission.