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    Islamic University in Uganda, Kumi Road, P.O.BOX 2555 Mbale
Year 1
# Course Code Course Title Unit(s) Hrs
1 AGR 1101 Fundamentals Of Crop Protection: Entomology And Nematology 2 3
2 AGR 1102 Introductory Crop Science 4 4
3 AGR 1103 Animal Physiology And Applied Human Nutrition 3 4
4 AGR 1104 Production Economics 3 4
5 AGR 2204 Agricultural Microbiology 3 4
6 AGR 3103 Biochemistry And Molecular Biology 2 3
7 BCI 1201 Curriculum And Instruction 4 4
8 BCT 2102 Biology Education 2 3
9 BCT 2109 Physics Education 3 3
10 BEC 2102 Principles Of Development Economics 3 3
11 BEC 2202 Macro Economics 3 3
12 BEM 1101 Organizational Theory And Principles Of Management 3 3
13 BFD 1101 History And Comparative Education 3 3
14 BGE 1102 World Physical Environmental Systems 2 3
15 BGE 1103 Population Geography 3 3
16 BGE 1104 Geography Of Africa 3 3
17 BGE 1203 Geography Of East Africa 3 45
18 BGE 2105 Spartial Organisation Of The Human Environment 2 3
19 BGE 2202 Spartial Organisation Of Human Envronment 3 3
20 BGE 3102 Economic Geography 3 3
21 BGE 3105 Urban Geography 3 3
22 BGE 3109 Introduction To Remote Sensing And Geography Information System 2 3
23 BHS 1102 History Of Islamic Thought And Civilization 3 3
24 BHS 1103 The Islamic Historicism And Civilization 3 45
25 BHS 1201 Themes In African History Since 1800 3 3
26 BHS 1203 History Of Peace Making And Diplomacy In Europe Since 1815 3 45
27 BHS 2106 History Of Uganda Since 1800 3 3
28 BHS 2107 Themes Of West African History Since 1800 3 3
29 BHS 3101 History Of African Nationalism Since 1800 3 3
30 BHS 3103 History Of Contemporary Islamic Reform Movements 3 3
31 BIO 1102 Genetics And Evolution 4 4
32 BIO 1204 Forms,structure And Classification Of Lower And Higher Plants 4 4
33 BIO 1205 Diversity And Evolution Of Invertebrates 3 3
34 BIS 1101 Cell Biology 3 3
35 BIS 1102 Diversity And Classification Of Organisms 3 3
36 BIS 1202 Animal Structure And Physiology I 3 3
37 BIS 2101 Biostatistics 2 3
38 BIS 2102 Animal Structure And Physiology Ii 3 4
39 BOT 1107 Forms,structure And Classification Of Lower And Higher Plants 4 4
40 BOT 2106 Taxonomy And Systematics Of Angiosperms 3 4
41 BOT 2108 Introductory Microbiology And Mycology 4 60
42 BOT 2109 Algology And Gymnosperm Biology 3 45
43 BOT 3103 Plant Biochemistry 4 4
44 BOT 3105 Plant Microbiology And Plant Pathology 3 3
45 BOZ 1101 Cell Biology 3 3
46 BOZ 1103 Introductory Ecology 3 3
47 BPY 1101 Educational Psychology 4 4
48 CHI 1101 Introduction To Organic Chemistry 4 4
49 CHM 1103 Basic Inorganic Chemistry 5 5
50 CHM 1104 Basic Physical Chemistry 4 4
51 CHM 1105 Mathematics For Chemists 4 4
52 CHM 1204 Computer Applications In Chemistry 3 3
53 FOS 2202 Research Methods And Data Management 4 4
54 MAT 1101 Calculus I 3 3
55 MAT 1102 Elements Of Mathematics 3 3
56 MAT 1103 Linear Algebra I 3 3
57 MAT 2103 Probability Theory 3 3
58 MAT 2104 Linear Programming 3 3
59 MAT 2106 Differential Equations I 3 3
60 MAT 2107 Real Analysis I 3 3
61 PHI 1101 Elements Of Environmental Physics 3 3
62 PHI 1106 Physics Practical I 2 30
63 PHI 2101 Electricity And Magnetism 4 4
64 PHI 2102 Physics Practical Iii 2 30
65 PHI 3103 Physics Practical V 2 30
66 PHY 1102 Electricity And Magnetism 3 3
67 PHY 1105 Properties Of Matter, Heat And Thermodynamics 4 4
68 PHY 1106 Mathematical Physics I 3 3
69 PHY 1107 Environmental Physics 3 3
70 PHY 1108 Atomic Physics 3 3
71 PHY 1201 Environmental Physics 3 3
72 PHY 1203 Waves And Optics 3 3
73 PHY 1205 Classical Mechanics I 3 3
74 PHY 1206 Atomic Physics 3 3
75 SST 1101 World Regions And Mans Settlements 3 4
76 SST 1102 Evolution Of Societies And Heritage In Africa 3 3
77 SST 1201 Population, Environment And Development 3 3
78 SST 1202 Evolution Of Uganda As A National State 3 3
79 ZOO 1103 Diversity And Evolution Of Invertebrates 3 45
80 ZOO 1104 Hydrobiology 3 45
81 ZOO 2207 Ornithology And Mammology 3 4
82 ZOO 2209 Animal Histology 3 45
83 ZOO 3108 Applied Entomology And Parasitology 4 4
84 ZOO 3109 Comparative Animal Physiology 4 4
85 MAE 1101 Algebra 3 3
86 MAE 1102 Elementary Statistics And Numerical Methods 3 3
87 BHY 1101 Historiography And Research Methodology 3 3
88 BHY 1102 The Islamic Historicism And Civilization Since 570 Ce 3 3
89 CHM 1108 Basic Inorganic Chemistry 4 4
90 AGB 1101 Introduction To Agriculture And Agronomy 3 3
91 AGB 1102 Agricultural Production Economics 3 3
92 BGE 1105 Spatial Organization Of Human Environment 3 3
93 BMA 2101 Educational Administration And Planning 4 0
# Course Code Course Title Unit(s) Hrs
1 AGR 1201 Crop Production 2 4
2 AGR 1203 Livestock Production And Management 3 4
3 AGR 1204 Crop Project 2 3
4 AGR 2201 Agricultural Mechanisation 4 4
5 AGR 2202 Livestock Production Project 2 3
6 AGR 2203 Post Harvest Management 2 3
7 AGR 2205 Pasture Agronomy 3 4
8 AGR 3202 Crop Protection 3 4
9 BEM 1203 Administrative And Office Management In Schools 3 3
10 BFD 1201 Philosophy And Sociology Of Education 3 3
11 BGE 1202 Geography Of The World Economies 2 3
12 BHS 1202 Themes In European History Since 1750 3 3
13 BHS 3203 History Of Southern Africa In The 19th Century 3 3
14 BIO 1202 Life Processes In Flowering Plants 3 3
15 BIS 1201 Plant Structure And Physiology 3 3
16 BIS 2202 Nutrition And First Aid 4 4
17 CHM 1205 Environmental And Green Chemistry 3 3
18 CHM 1206 Periodicity, Structure And Bonding 4 60
19 CHM 1207 Basic Organic Chemistry 4 60
20 CHM 3213 Structure Determination And Spectroscopy 3 3
21 MAT 1105 Elements Of Probability And Statistics 3 3
22 MAT 1201 Calculus Ii 3 3
23 MAT 1203 Classical Mechanics 3 3
24 MAT 1205 Calculus Iii 3 3
25 MAT 1209 Elements Of Probability And Statistics 3 3
26 PHI 1201 Mechanics And Properties Of Matter 4 4
27 PHI 3201 Elements Of Energy Physics 3 3
28 PHI 3202 Introductory Materials Science 3 3
29 PHY 1207 Electricity And Magnetism 3 3
30 PHY 3103 Nuclear Physics Ii 3 3
31 MAE 1201 Probability Theory I 3 3
32 MAE 1202 Trigonometry And Vectors 3 3
33 AGB 1201 Animal Nutrition 3 3
34 AGB 1202 Crop Production And Management 3 3
35 BHY 1201 Themes In African History Since 1800 3 3
36 BHY 1202 History Of Peace Making And Diplomacy In Europe Since 1789 3 3
37 AGB 1203 Crop Protection And The Environment 3 3
38 AGB 1204 Crop Project 3 3
39 BEL 1102 Introduction To The Study Of Language 3 45
40 BEL 1103 Introduction To Language, Society And Gender 3 1
41 BEL 1104 Introduction To Linguistics In Islam 3 3
42 SST 2202 Map Work And Photographic Interpretations 3 0
Year 2
# Course Code Course Title Unit(s) Hrs
1 AGR 1202 Rural Development 2 3
2 AGR 1205 Soil Sciences 3 4
3 AGR 2101 Livestock Nutrition Management 3 4
4 AGR 2102 Use Of Appropriate Technology 3 4
5 AGR 2103 Crop Agronomy And Ecology 4 4
6 AGR 2104 Processing Of Livestock Products 2 3
7 AGR 2105 Agricultural Develpoment And Research Methods 3 4
8 BCT 2101 Arabic Language Education 2 3
9 BCT 2103 Chemistry Education 2 3
10 BCT 2104 Economics Education 2 3
11 BCT 2105 Geography Education 2 3
12 BCT 2106 History Education 2 3
13 BCT 2107 Islamic Studies Education 2 3
14 BCT 2108 Mathematics Education 2 3
15 BCT 2111 Literature Education 2 3
16 BCT 2112 English Language Education 2 3
17 BCT 2113 Computer Studies Education 2 3
18 BCT 2116 Business Studies Education 2 3
19 BCT 2117 Entrepreneurship Education 2 3
20 BCT 2118 Social Studies Education 2 3
21 BCT 2119 Agriculture Education 2 3
22 BCT 2120 Integrated Science Education I 3 3
23 BCT 2121 Integrated Science Education Ii 3 4
24 BCT 3114 Kiswahili Language Education 2 2
25 BEC 2105 Industrial Economics 3 3
26 BEC 3101 International Economics 3 3
27 BEM 2102 Human Resource Management In Education 3 3
28 BEM 2104 Economics Of Education 3 4
29 BEM 2105 Financial Management In Education 3 4
30 BGE 2106 Geomorphology 2 3
31 BGE 2107 Quantitative Methods In Geography 2 3
32 BGE 2206 Population Geography 3 3
33 BGE 2208 Geomorphology 3 3
34 BHS 2203 History Of South Africa In The 19th Century 3 3
35 BIO 2103 Animal Diversity I(invertebrates) 3 3
36 BIO 2104 Plant Form, Structure And Classification ( Lower And Higher) 4 4
37 BIO 2105 Biostatistics 3 3
38 BIO 2107 Diversity And Evolution Of Vertebrates 3 3
39 BIO 2108 Animal Physiology I 4 4
40 BOT 1104 Plant Forms, Structure And Classification (lower And Higher) 4 4
41 BOT 1202 Introduction To Plant Functions 3 3
42 BOT 1204 Growth And Development Of Angiosperms 3 4
43 BOZ 1202 Introductory Genetics And Evolution 4 4
44 BOZ 2101 Applied Ecology 3 3
45 BPY 2101 Research Methods In Education 4 4
46 CHI 1201 Periodicity 3 3
47 CHI 2101 Chemical Equillibria 4 4
48 CHI 2201 Transition Metal Chemistry 3 4
49 CHI 3101 Biochemistry And Molecular Biology 4 4
50 CHI 3201 Analytical And Environmental Chemistry 4 4
51 CHM 2103 Periodicity, Structure And Bonding 4 4
52 CHM 2105 Reaction Kinetics 3 2
53 CHM 2106 Electrochemistry 4 4
54 CHM 2107 Sugar And Protein Chemistry 3 3
55 CHM 2108 Physical Organic Chemistry 3 3
56 MAT 3102 Biomathematics 3 3
57 PHY 2102 Quantum Mechanics 1 3 3
58 PHY 2105 Mathematical Physics Ii 3 3
59 PHY 2106 Classical Mechanics Ii 3 3
60 PHY 2107 Solar Energy 3 3
61 PHY 2108 Computational Physics 3 45
62 PHY 2109 Introduction To Astrophysics And Space Physics 3 45
63 SST 2101 Emergence Of Liberal Democracy And Nationalism 3 4
64 SST 2102 Map, Photo And Field Skills 3 3
65 SST 2201 Post Independence Africa:challenges,achievements And Prospects 3 4
66 SST 2203 Emergence Of Liberal Democracy In Europe 3 45
67 ZOO 1207 Animal Reproduction And Embryology 4 4
68 ZOO 1208 Diversity And Evolution Of Vertebrates 3 4
69 ZOO 2106 Introduction To Entomology And Parasitology 4 60
70 AGB 2101 Agricultural Education 2 2
71 MAE 2101 Calculus 3 3
72 MAE 2102 Mathematics Education I 2 2
73 BHY 2101 History Of Uganda Since 1800 3 3
74 BHY 2102 Themes In West African History Since 1800 3 3
75 AGB 2102 Agricultural Mechanisation And Farm Structures 3 3
76 BGE 2108 Specific Methods In Geography 3 3
77 BGE 2109 Geography Of World Economies 3 3
78 BST 2203 Emergence Of Liberalism And Nationalism In Africa 3 45
79 BST 3202 Asia: Popn, Resources And Development 3 45
80 MAE 1203 Calculus 3 45
81 MAE 2103 Coordinat Geometry 3 45
# Course Code Course Title Unit(s) Hrs
1 BCI 2201 Microteaching And Production Of Instructional Materials 2 3
2 BCI 2202 School Practice I 4 4
3 BCI 2203 Theory And Practice Of Science Education 3 3
4 BEC 3110 Quantitative Methods In Economics 3 3
5 BEC 3205 Quantitative Methods In Economics 3 3
6 BEM 2201 Educational Administration And Planning 3 3
7 BEM 2202 Project Planning And Management In Education 3 3
8 BEM 2206 Management And Administration Of Education In Uganda 3 4
9 BGE 1101 Practical Geography 2 3
10 BGE 2205 Climatology 3 3
11 BGE 2207 Geography Of East Africa 3 3
12 BGE 2211 Development Of Modern Geography 2 3
13 BHS 2207 History Of Social Economic Tranformations In East Africa Since 1800 3 3
14 BID 1201 Nutrition And Primary Health Care 3 3
15 BIO 2206 Plant Metabolism 4 4
16 BIO 2207 Animal Physiology Ii And Behaviour 4 4
17 BIO 2208 Entomology 3 3
18 BIS 2201 Human Health And Primary Health Care 2 3
19 BOT 2206 Plant-water Relations And Mineral Nutrition 3 4
20 CHM 2204 Analytical Chemistry 4 4
21 CHM 2205 Aromatics And Polyfunctional Aliphatics 4 4
22 CHM 2206 Chemical Thermodynamics 4 4
23 CHM 2207 Alicyclics And Heterocyclics 2 4
24 CHM 2209 Aromatics Chemistry 3 3
25 MAT 2102 Numerical Methods I 3 3
26 MAT 2202 Linear Algebra Ii 3 3
27 MAT 2205 Numerical Methods I 3 3
28 MAT 2206 Abstract Algebra 3 3
29 MAT 3203 Mathematical Statistics 3 3
30 MAT 3206 Number Theory 3 3
31 MAT 3207 Differential Equations Ii 3 3
32 PHI 2201 Modern Physics 3 3
33 PHI 2202 Atomic And Nuclear Physics 3 3
34 PHI 2203 Physics Practical Iv 2 2
35 PHY 2201 Solid State Physics I 3 3
36 PHY 2202 Electromagnetism 4 4
37 PHY 2205 Nuclear Physics 3 3
38 ZOO 2206 Ichthyology And Herpetology 3 4
39 AGB 2201 Agricultural Extension And Rural Development 3 3
40 MAE 2201 Coordinate Geometry 3 3
41 MAE 2202 Probability Theory Ii 3 3
42 BHY 2201 History Of Socio-economic Transformation In East Africa Since 1800 3 3
43 BHY 2202 History Of Southern African Since 1800 3 3
44 AGB 2204 Livestock Production And Management 3 3
45 AGB 2202 Post Harvest Handling And Processing Of Agriculture Products 3 3
46 AGB 2205 Livestock Project 4 4
47 BAG 2203 Livestock Nutrition Management 3 3
48 BAG 2204 Use Of Appropriate Technology 3 3
49 BAG 2206 Crop Agronomy 3 3
50 BEL 2106 Language Use In Dawah 3 1
Year 3
# Course Code Course Title Unit(s) Hrs
1 AGR 3101 Soil And Water Engineering 3 4
2 AGR 3102 Agricultural Extension Education 3 4
3 AGR 3104 Livestock Health And Management 3 4
4 BEC 3102 Development Economics 3 3
5 BEC 3208 Monetary Economics 3 3
6 BEM 3108 Politics And Education 3 4
7 BEM 3109 Case Study In Eap 3 3
8 BFD 3101 History And Philosophy Of Muslim Education 3 4
9 BGE 3101 Political Geography 3 3
10 BIO 3101 Plant Metabolism 3 3
11 BIO 3102 Taxonomy And Systematics Of Angiosperms 4 4
12 BIO 3103 Animal Physiology Ii And Animal Behaviour 4 4
13 BIO 3104 Entomology And Parasitology 4 4
14 BIO 3107 Microbiology And Mycology 3 4
15 BIO 3201 Taxonomy And Systematics Of Angiosperms 4 4
16 BIS 3101 Genetics,evolution And Ecology 4 4
17 BIS 3102 Crop Husbandry,soil And School Farm 4 4
18 BOT 3205 Plant Community Energetics 3 3
19 BOT 3207 Plant Use And Economic Potential 3 3
20 CHM 3104 Coordinate Chemistry 5 4
21 CHM 3105 Instrumental Analysis 3 4
22 CHM 3106 Structure Determination And Spectroscopy 4 4
23 CHM 3107 Polymer Chemistry 3 3
24 CHM 3108 Medicinal Chemistry 3 3
25 CHM 3109 Computer Applications In Chemistry 3 3
26 MAE 3101 Ordinary Differential Equations 3 3
27 MAE 3102 Mathematics Education Ii 2 2
28 MAE 3201 Complex Variables 3 3
29 MAE 3202 Mechanics 3 3
30 MAT 3104 Complex Variables 3 3
31 MAT 3108 Real Analysis Ii 3 3
32 PHI 3101 Heat And Thermodynamics 3 3
33 PHI 3102 Waves And Optics 3 3
34 PHY 3101 Solid State Physics Ii 3 3
35 PHY 3102 Quantum Mechanics Ii 3 3
36 PHY 3104 Physics Practicals V 2 2
37 PHY 3105 Stastistical Mechanics 3 3
38 PHY 3106 Energy Physics 3 3
39 PHY 3107 Quantum Mechanics 4 4
40 PHY 3202 Electronics 3 3
41 PHY 3206 Materials Science 3 3
42 SST 3101 Co-operation For Development In Africa 3 4
43 SST 3103 Highly Developed Economies Of The World 3 3
44 SST 3201 Asia:population Resource And Development 3 4
45 SST 3202 Instructional Materials ,research And Evaluation In Social Studies 3 4
46 BHY 3101 History Of African Nationalism Since 1880 3 3
47 BHY 3102 History Of Contemporary Islamic Movements And The Muslim World Since 1900 3 3
48 CHM 3111 Instrumental Chemical Analysis 3 3
49 CHM 3112 Coordinate Chemistry 4 4
50 AGB 3101 Soil And Water Engineering 3 3
51 AGB 3102 Crop Protection And The Environment 3 3
52 AGB 3103 Biochemistry And Molecular Biology 3 3
53 AGB 3104 Agricultural Extension And Rural Development 3 3
54 BGE 3111 Geographical Information Systems And Remote Sensing 3 3
55 BGE 3112 Tourism And Recreational Resource Management 3 3
# Course Code Course Title Unit(s) Hrs
1 AGR 3201 Agribusiness Management And Entrepreneurship 3 4
2 AGR 3203 Farming Systems And The Environment 3 4
3 AGR 3204 Agricultural Marketing And Information Systems 3 4
4 BCI 3201 School Practice Ii 4 4
5 BEC 3206 Public Sector Economics 3 3
6 BEC 3207 Ugandan Economy 3 3
7 BEM 3201 Politics And Education 2 2
8 BGE 3202 Agricultural Geography 3 3
9 BGE 3204 Geography Of Uganda 2 3
10 BGE 3205 Geography Of Development 3 3
11 BGE 3206 Rural Development And Settlement 3 3
12 BHS 3204 History Of Imperialism In Africa Since 1800 3 3
13 BHS 3206 History Of Contemporary Islamic Reform Movements 3 3
14 BHS 3207 History Of Human Rights In Africa 3 3
15 BIO 3202 Applied Entomology And Parasitology 4 4
16 BIO 3206 Parasitology 3 4
17 BIS 3201 Livestock Management And Agricultural Economics 4 4
18 BIS 3202 Experimental Techniques In Teaching Of Science 3 3
19 BPY 3201 Research Project 4 4
20 BST 3201 Instructional Materials Research And Evaluation In Sst 3 3
21 CHM 3207 Colloid Chemistry 4 4
22 CHM 3208 Quantum Chemistry 2 4
23 CHM 3209 Pesticide Chemistry 2 4
24 ENV 3215 Environmental Education 3 3
25 PHI 3203 Physics Practical Vi 2 2
26 PHY 3204 Physics Practicals Vi 2 2
27 PHY 3205 Solid State Physics Ii 3 3
28 PHY 3207 Physics Project 4 3
29 PHY 3209 Statistical Mechanics 3 3
30 ZOO 3206 Fish Biology And Aquaculture 3 3
31 ZOO 3207 Mammalian Physiology And Ethology 4 4
32 ZOO 3208 Wildlife Ecology And Conservation 3 3
33 BHY 3201 History Of Politics In Africa Since 1800 3 3
34 BHY 3202 History Of Human Rights In Africa 3 3
35 CHM 3215 Quantum And Nuclear Chemistry 3 3
36 CHM 3214 Pesticide And Paint Chemistry 4 4
37 AGB 3201 Livestock Production Management 3 3
38 AGB 3202 Agribusiness Management And Entrepreneurship 3 3
39 AGB 3203 Livestock Project 4 4
40 AGB 3204 Agricultural Microbiology 3 3
41 AGB 3205 Agricultural Mechanisation And Farm Structures 3 3
Duration: 3 Year(s)
Category: Undergraduate
Faculty: Education