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  • 16th March, 2020 12:00am

A student from Islamic University in Uganda (IUIU) has emerged winner of the Entrepreneurial Idea Pitching Competition organized by Start Hub Africa on 7th March 2020. 

The highly contested competition hosted by Kyambogo University in Kampala brought together students with brilliant business ideas from various Universities.  

Ibra Namona, an IUIU fourth-year student pursuing Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Nutrition through his “Happy yoghurt” project beat students from Makerere University, Kyambogo University, Uganda Christian University and Kampala International University to take the first place.

Namono who also doubles as an ambassador of StartHub Africa revealed that his idea of making Soya Yoghurt earned him the victory.

“Very many students presented their entrepreneurial ideas but the judging team found the “Happy Yoghurt” project where I make Yoghurt out of Soya bean instead of dairy products outstanding” He explained.

 The Food Science and Nutrition student who aspires to make “Happy Yoghurt” a big business venture in the future attributed his success to the efforts of the IUIU Food Science Department which have always encouraged them as students to be more practical and innovative.

 Clare Mukite, also a fourth year Food Science and Nutrition student came fourth in the competition with her business idea of star Toro; where she makes Soya Flour. 

The Head of Department Business studies Mr. Kisu Yahya who led the IUIU team said that the IUIU students were competent enough and deserved the wins because their unique ideas.

 StartHub is a German founded company that aims at shaping young African business mind and beyond.Â