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Prof Christine Dranzoa's Funeral Mass, St Augustine Chapel, Makerere University

  • 01st July, 2022 4:31pm

Assoc Prof. Dr. Ismail Simbwa Gyagenda, Rector IUIU today joined other Vice Chancellors at the funeral Mass for the late Vice Chancellor of Muni University, Arua Prof. Dr. Christine Dranzoa, who passed away yesterday at Mulago Hospital.

The funeral Mass was attended by hundreds of mourners including her family, the general public and Makerere staff including their Deputy Vice Chancellor, Assoc Prof. Dr. Umar Kakumba.

Among those present were, the ED National Council for Higher Education, Prof. Mary N. Okwakol; VCs of Bishop Stuart University, Uganda Christian University, Gulu University, Cavendish University (Prof Kamatenesi Mauda; Prof Aaron Mushengyezi, Prof. George Opendura, Prof. John Mugisha respectively); ED Uganda Vice Chancellors Forum, Prof. Mugambi; immediate past Chancellor of Makerere University Prof. Monroe Kagonyera and Education Commissioner Mr. Muzammil Mukwatampola.

Prof. Dr. Dranzoa, who died at 55 had a sterling career as an internationally recognized Education leader, an advocate for the girl child, a conservationist, and a good human being.